Tip of the Week No.177 ‘any luck?’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:27/09/2019 英語 any luck? idm. (informal) used to ask somebody if they have been successful with something: ‘Any luck?&# […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.176 ‘oops’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:19/09/2019 英語 oops exclamation 1 used when somebody has almost had an accident, broken something, etc: Oops! I almost spille […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.175 ‘coffee morning’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:09/09/2019 英語 coffee morning n. (BrE) a social event held in the morning, often at a person’s house, where money is us […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.174 ‘old flame’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:05/09/2019 英語 old flame n. a former lover: She met an old flame at the party. old flame 名詞 以前の恋人:彼女はパーティで以前の恋人に会いました。 一般的に元カ […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.173 ‘mind/watch your language’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:29/08/2019 英語 mind/watch your language idm. to be careful about what you say in order not to upset or offend somebody: Watch […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.172 ‘you’re kidding’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:22/08/2019 英語 you’re kidding idm. (informal) used to show that you are very surprised at something that somebody has j […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.171 ‘defuse’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:16/08/2019 英語 defuse v. to stop a possibly dangerous or difficult situation from developing, especially by making people les […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.170 ‘play it by ear’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:05/08/2019 英語 play it by ear idm. (informal) to decide how to deal with a situation as it develops rather than by having a p […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.169 ‘branch’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:02/08/2019 英語 今週紹介する単語は ‘branch’ 動詞と名詞としての意味がありますが、名詞として使われることが多い単語。 ただ名詞としての意味はOxfordの辞書を見ると6種類もあります! branch n. […] 続きを読む
Tip of the Week No.168 ‘matchstick figure’ 更新日:04/01/2022 公開日:25/07/2019 英語 matchstick figure (BrE) n. a picture of a person drawn only with thin lines for the arms and legs, a circle fo […] 続きを読む