今週の Tip of the Week は、当教室のネイティブ講師が紹介する単語です。
adj. 形容詞
Delicate, small and pretty – could be for a person or item
“The ballet dancer is dainty and elegant.”
“Her new tea set is very dainty, I’m a little scared to use it!”
noun. 名詞
Something good to eat, a delicacy (used by fancy restaurants)
“The French restaurant served luxurious breads, cheeses and dainties.”
Originally from Latin ‘dignus (worthy)/ dignitas (worthiness or beauty)’ and old French ‘daintie’ (choice morsel – a small tasty bit of food)
由来はどうやらラテン語の dignus/ dignitas と古フランス語の daintie にあるようです.